### Introduction

The objectives of this Web API application to create a easy configurable and reusable application for logging and exception handling in the database or csv file or both according to your business needs.


Configuring LoggingApp

Step 1:
Download and unzip the project files.

Step 2:
change MsgLoggingFIlePath and dbLogConnection values to your desired file logging path and database connection string.

Step 3:
Run the script file DBScript.sql to your database for [dbo].[tblExceptionLog] and [dbo].[tblMessageLog] table creation.

Step 4:
Host LoggingApp to the IIS server and note down the hosting url.

Step 5:
Copy and Paste LoggingProcessor.cs file from ClientApp folder to your project folder for which you need logging message and exception. Change the namespace ClientApp accordingly.

Step 6:
Copy and paste Constant.cs file to your project folder and change the namespace ClientApp accordingly.

Step 7:

Step 8:

Authors and Contributors

Find my profile in GitHub Subhajit Ray, (@subhajit69)

Support or Contact

Having trouble with configuration? Drop a mail to subhajit.ray69@gmail.com